Monday, October 31, 2005
12:55 AM
Power Peas
School starts in 8 hours.
yay. i am so excited.
yeah right.
I am so bloody tired. And i cant slp. I am so screwed.
i shall do this out of boredom:
Band / Clique Name: Power Peas
Constitutes of: Aizat, Sabarina, Sharina & Sonia
Aizat - Will.I.Am
Sabby - Taboo
Sharina - Fergie
Sonia - A.P.L
Latest Member: Goh Jia Ying Elliot
Jy - logo.
And that's just the peas.
Besides that we have powers too.
Aside from psychic powers - strongest on Tuesdays - here are our distributions:
Aizat - Earth
Sabby - Fire
JY - Heart
Sonia and Sharina - still debating between who is wind and who is water but i believe sharina is having the head on wind.
Peas Day: Tuesdays
Peas Place: Starbucks near Borders
Peas colours: Green, white and black.
Peas' Sayings:
Aizat: Howie Day...Natalie...
JY: I dont care
Sabby: FINE
Sharina: I dont like it when people laugh at me.
Sonia: I dont have a tagline.
Peas Book: The Book Of Answers
Is there anything else to add??
Thursday, October 27, 2005
10:10 PM
just dyed
It has been raining since 9. At least the rain subside. It was raining so so heavily as if the rain was really angry and there were flashes of lightning and thunder every like one minute.
And the sound of the rain plattering on the windows and what-have-they was so fierce.
I was paralyzed for 15 min on the couch. And it didnt help that i was all alone at home.
Listening to BSB Millenium Cd. So nostalgic. Love them.
Started the day pretty roughly. Called up the Novena furniture and they said "oh no. ur delivery will be on monday."
And i was like "what. nonononononono."
And they said they will check if they can send tml.
Wad the freak la. Overdue for two weeks exactly!
Oooh. AJ's voice is so low and so unique. Erm. OK back.
So my mum called them from her workplace and then she called me and said "WHy u told them to send tml?? They are suppose to send today!! And the indian lady on the phone said they wanna send today but u said u will be out."
Boy was i fuming. That bloody receptionist put words in my mouth. Blast off la. Freak-er. I would rather get it over and done with. Bloody hell.
After which i went to the salon to do my hair.
And there i was deciding and deciding which shade of brown. I wanted one which is not too light but where there will be a change.
So the hairdresser told me to pick that one so yea, she shud know best.
I was super bored while waiting and waiting.
And something super funny happened and i almost burst out laughing. Like
LOL.There she was washin off the dye of my haid and then....ok this is embarrassing....wuhauhaaua.
So she kept rubbing my upper forehead to get rid of the dye stains. And she said, "hmmm. Is tt dye?"
And i was quite confused and then i realised that she meant my birthmark which happened to be brown as well. LMAO.
After which the trimming.
After which the treatment.
And when she wrapped my hair, i almost burst out laughin again. I looked like the lighter version of Erykah Badhu. wuhauuauhahauau.
And down goes the steamer and i felt like i am wearin an oversized helmet. And i sniggered. wuhauuahauauaha.
And so...till now, i dont really know whether i like the colour or not. Or the length. At some point i love the length and at another, i find it too short. And I am not sure whether i got the right brown shade that i wanted though i think i did not cuz it's wayyy lighter.
I am just confused today.
So i had some extra money and i thought it wont hurt to get some small stuff from the supermarket. Bought 4 bars of snickers. What the hell is wrong with me.
And a bag of popcorn. One bag of potato chips. One twisties. One pack of Famous Amos cookies. A box of mints. bahhh.
And i bought groceries over twenty dollars. :
ANd now i am left with two dollars.
Nice work Sharina.
JB trip.
Ok. I am slightly pissed now.
Just got back from JB and i tried to play the dvds i bought - Saved (starring Mandy Moore) and The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (starring Alexis Bledel).
And both of them cant be played.
Friggin pissed. These are the two shows that i've been findin and finding. bahhhhh. shucks.
Not to mention that Sabby, Aizat, Jiaying and Flora did not get into Customer Service as we have all expected.
Another bahhhh.
Oh. Blast off.
Anyways, shoppin at JB was pretty ok. I think my aunt practically bought all the flowers in Johore. wuhauhauahua. And my cousins had those bored faces everytime she entered a flower shop.
And had dinner at Kenny Rogers. Beef Bolognese plus black pepper chicken. Yum yum. But just okayy la. Still. Coolness. Haha.
And bought two cushions. One is of a leapard skin and the other is of cheetah. Soft soft soft. Oh, they are not real skin by the way. Like duh. I will never harm animals.
And when i saw those cushions, i got reminded by Naima's photoshoot....the one where Kahlen sat on the alligator. wuhauauauhua.
And again, i was rather pissed. COuldnt find my chicklets. ah dammit. How could they shops and 7-eleven not sell chicklets. That's like a crime. A jenayah. Bish bash bong.
Wow. i started with "and" for the previous 4 paragraphs. hahaz.
hmm. and my cousin bought cigars! coolness. they look so so so cool and i was almost tempted to buy one. But did not. Bought a pack of cigarettes for my mum though. Haha. Oh and Nivea cream. For my mum. Bloody cheap.
And I saw this Cinderella cologne. Sweet. Got that too. (see Sonia. I am Cinderella. wuhauauuahua).
ANd i am tired. Shall watch Stepford Wives in a while.
School starts in like wad...4 days? Bish bash bong. Hate it.
Oh. and i am broke. haha.
Oh, i'm hungry. ugh. should have bought an extra burger or something. Shall cook Ramen or something. Hungry Hungry.
Hello World.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
1:10 AM
Power Peas! And the wall...
Woke up at 1pm. woohoo. Gotta enjoy while it last!
And got out of bed at 1.25 to wash up a lil and on the tv just in time as the Spanish show on TV 2 started.
Honestly, i dont really know what's happening. The plot is so entwining (is tt right?) and the malay subtitles come and go so fast! i havent even finish readin the whole of it and vroom-bah-vrah! it vanished! haha. but quite interesting la. wish my mum was watchin with me cuz she could have fill me in. She got the gist of the story by just watchin 2 episodes last week when she was on leave. fast!
after that, decided to paint my room. Bought the pain yesterday. Continental blue. And i thought it was the perfect colour for my wall. And i realized it's too dark after i painted half the wall. But it's not tt bad.Quite ok. Another layer to paint for that particular and i will be done!
And i remembered askin my mum if i am allowed to paint my room and she gave me that quizzical look and said no. But well-oh-well. I want change!
After painting 2 whole hours for just a stupid wall, got myself ready and went to meet the peas.
Too bad Sabby cant come. Sigh. why-oh-why. Remember the pact? haha. So there were 4/5 of Power Peas. haha.
I was late. 0.5 hours late. Haha.
And we had slow food at far east. yum yum. love love love kangkong.
And we finished our food in 25min (kudos to sonia who managed to eat within the time) and we hurried our way to Lido to watch Deuce Bigalow European Gigalow.
Funny. But stupid. Doesnt make sense. But still funny. Haha.
And there we were laughin our hearts out. it is so lmao la.
Oh, and i have to say that the usher requested to see sonia's id before he allowed us in! wuhauauauhuhaa. Sonia can be my 11-year-old cousin.
After which, we went to the level below to see some clothes. Jiaying and her Missy (it's Pussy - Ed) Elliot. hahahahaha.
And I do think the Marissa's dress is pretty.
And then we tried on some sort of a paperboy cap. Here's a gist of the dialogue:
Sonia: Oh wow. We look quite alike. Like Passport In Paris. (starring the olsen twins)
Shar: Eh ya.
(Jy puts on cap)
Shar: Jy! you can be the driver!
wuhuahuauhauha. and we burst out laughing. SORRY JY. And Aizat laughed too when we told him abt it.
Hmm. Got my strawberry-licious milkshake.
And Starbucks. Nothing surprising. haha.
And aizat and sonia bought some smelly chocolate cake. And Jy had yummy hotdog.
And the three of them didnt believe Dairy Queen exists. phiyo!
Borders next and we found this very very awesome book. It's called The Book Of Answers.
And wow.
So it's like u ask a question and then u turn on a random page and that could be the possible answer.
And it was almost true.
Like when, I asked how the upcoming semester is to be, The Book Of Answers said something abt priorities. And when i asked about how my mum would react to me painting the wall, it said Take A Chance. (i think she was in a small shock but she said ok but dont paint the whole room blue cuz it will be too dark. but she doesnt look too happy. at least i didnt get reprimanded. hee)
And i asked the very very very main question and it gives me positivity. I shall cross my fingers. Always.
And the book told me to buy it. Haha. I shall. I promise. *grins*
p.s. To Sonia: Regardin our dirty little secret, i think it's quite right. And it's sad. But what to do. All should be good. =)
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
12:34 AM
Stayed home.
And i stayed home the whole day today.
Wheeee. Finally.'s not entirely true cuz i did go out. haha.
Went to Holland V. to buy paint. After taking a super long time to decide on wad colour would be suitable for the wall and the decided not to paint the wall, i finally made up my mind to get the paint. Painting the wall before school starts...that i am gonna work on. Got continental blue.
woohoo. Just like royal blue. the way i like it.
and then....
skateboard-ed. been a long long time since i did that. and my mum did want to throw my skateboard a fews months ago. i practically beg her not to. Memories seh.
And within 5 min of skateboardin, i fell on my right knee and the skin got scrapped off.
ouch ouch.Got back up and after another 15min, the skateboard skidded and landed on rmy right side. another
ouch ouch. And after that, i've had it. Totally. I suck.
Cooked dinner. I am so so proud of myself and had vermicilli, potatoes and eggs. Practically a vegetarian! hahaha.
I am too lazy to type further.
Power Peas tml? i dunno. i havent heard anything. boo.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
9:24 PM
Sunday with Mom
Finally.After like one year, i managed to have dinner with my mum.After one year. I waited that long.We usually our spend Sundays together but since i-dunno-when, she has been busy busy busy. And she is always out. Even on Sundays. And that makes me sad. As if she doesnt want to spend time with me. Sunday is our "family day".Had a chilly Sunday today. Our favourite kind of weather for Sundays. Sat around watching tv, laughin at the bad acting and as usual, my mum telling me the oh-so-predictable plot. Quite annoying but that is my mum. haha. It felt like old days. And it was good. And i was silently smiling to myself.After a while, we couldnt resist the weather and we fell aslp. My mum on the couch and me on the sofa. Snore snore snore all the way till 630. When i was suppose to wake up at 6 to catch Gilmore Girls.We broke fast together. Yay.I just remembered that through this Ramadhan period, I have not had dinner with a fellow fast-er.We had ketupat (i hate hate it but my mum didnt wanna cook rice. it was fine tho) and had chili tofu and soybean (which i hate but my mum loves) and huge huge thigh chicken.And currypuffs.Love love love currypuffs. Potatoes rocks my socks.And lime Coke. Hate Coke but my mum bought a whole pack of Coke.And we carried on watchin tv. Watching Suria to be precised. And of course, the phrase "nothing is perfect" stands.We quarelled. There. There goes the almost perfect Sunday.And i hate to admit it, but i guess it was all my fault. But I just cant stand the childish-ness of my mum. I cant stand it. And i am not one with patience.Still. It doesnt change the fact that I am the root to all arguments.I suck.And I hate it.Wish I could say sorry.But. How?
Youthpark nawww. Soccer yessss.
Today was...i dunno.Went to meet Sonia to go for the gig at YouthPark and Jeshulyn came along later.
And I decided to go off like 15min after we reached Youth Park. I guessed it was rather boring and i felt rather...out and off.Oh well. Sorry Sonia and Jeshulyn. Really. My greatest apology.And so I met Vik. It's a good thing that he was in town tt time. And we just walked and walked for like 8min before we know where to go. Went to McCafe and had Iced Chocolate and Oreo Cheesecake.
Prefer Coffeebean's tho.And it was chocolate-y that both of us didnt get to finish the cake and i didnt finish my drink and Vik didnt finish his hot chocolate. wuhauhauhuahaua. too sweeeeeet la.And at that point of time, i had this sudden craving to have chicken. No reasons. Just that my throat was calling "chicken chicken!"No no throat is not calling me chicken. It is asking for chicken. As in it is asking me to eat chicken so miss-little-throaty is able to savour juicy chicken.So went to Long John. At 10. To eat combo 1. And i had BK Rendang Burger at 7. And now, i feel that my face is stretched. I feel so gross. Like truly.Ate so so much that my stomach is practically bloated. ugh.And after long long talk with Vik - ooh, i just love talkin - i have this sudden urge to join the girls' national soccer now. all i have to do is - train and run, train and run. To prepare for the selection on February. which is not that far away. And i need that stamina!Soccer boot camp! Here I come!p.s. I seem to have problems with everyone's tagboards. bleah. sucky suck suck.
Friday, October 21, 2005
3:10 AM
Is it just me or is the DareDevil commercial on tv keep playing? Well, the preview was so intriguing that it made me watch DareDevil again. So there i was diggin for my DareDevil vcd which i bought like years ago and which i had yet to watch. Watched it in the movies twice. Love love love it. And Jennifer Garner should stick to green eyes. She looks mysterious in them.
Things at home havent been that great.
These past two days, the only way i am communicating to my mum is by shouting and screamin or by giving snide remarks and be sarcastic.
Somehow, my mum is calmer than most days but 80% of the time she will reply me in the tone i used. is partly my fault.
Nah-uh. It is mostly my fault. I mean, my mum would ask me a question normally and i will answer her in a can-you-get-lost tone. I dunno why. Just have been irritated recently. By my mum. And this continue to my mum askin me several more questions; and this makes my patience runs thin (did i get tt right? haha). So i raise my voice and she asked me why am i talkin like that and i will be like "wad la..." and it goes on.
It's like a vicious-circle. Totally hate it.
All i want is to make my mum happy.
All i want is to make everyone happy.
I mean u can't be happy when whomever u are with is not happy, can u?
So u can pretend to be happy. And u can put it in a way that there is pretention or u have compassion. (eh. it rhymes! wuauahaua) or maybe a mix of both.
Pretention is where u act happy cuz u dont want people askin u what's wrong and all that and this leads to compassion where u do not want the atmosphere to be filled with sad-aura and people arnd u will be worried and wantin to know if u are okay and all.
And there are people who sacrifice their own happiness to make others happy.
I mean, when u are happy, u are laid-back and carefree and everyone around u deserves their fair share of fun.
Today's (Friday) horoscope for Taureans is:
You may not win the lottery, but it's still going to be tough to beat the absolutely magical grab bag the universe has packaged up for you. It's not just 'gifts' in one department that are all wrapped up, either. There are several, including love, money and maybe even career. Your only admonition is to avoid signing anything that's irreversible -- not just yet. For now, enjoy your run of luck, and keep your eyes open.That sounds serious. Super serious. And i am not ready for anything serious. Have been doin some serious thinkin. I need a break from serious-ness. Boo.
The horoscope sounds like i am goin to ruin my life in...sign something? sign wad?!?
Sounds scary. I dont want to ruin anythin yet. I havent done my share. Wait till i have done enough mistakes and it is time for me to go should You eradicate me from this world.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
8:30 PM
Third Week Of Hols
How time flies. Whether u are having fun or not.
It's already the third week of school hols and the day after tml, u are left with one week. super fast seh.
So 1A02 barbecue was pretty rad. Siti was the "star" of the night. Super funny la.
And there was a huge amt of food that almost went wasted. At least, we year 2's - Sonia, Sabby, Jiahui, Aizat, Jiayin and Ryan and me - pretty much tried to finish eatin the leftovers when the year one's went off.
Chomp chomp chomp. And playin stupid games. And Ryan is such a great loser. hahahaha.
ANd it was a pretty good night/morning with Ryan throwin hotdogs at the
blue red tent, holdin a screamin contest with a bunch of girls cycling, Aizat mockin Siti, cycling from East Coast to dunno where and back and stayin up the whole night talkin and talkin with bits of gossip. hahaz.
And got home like 10.30 this morning.
My whole back ache. ouch ouch ouch.
Shall watch Charmed soon.
Monday, October 17, 2005
2:30 AM
Britney Spears
Maybe i am just some lame person.
Maybe i am creative.
Look below and tell me which i am ok? hahahaha. kiddin'.
Anyways... here it goes.
I think i am meant to be something like Britney Spears or something or follow in her footsteps or whatever.
Bynes /
S.B. / B.S.
Mirror Image!
And i am the Pop Princess. So someone SHOULD sing that Pop Princess song by Click Five to me.
It so makes sense! *grins*
Ok now....
Fergie is the only female and the youngest in BEP. Just like how i am the only female and the youngest in Power Peas. (ignoring the fact that Sonia and Sabby are females too. Sonia=A.P.L and Sabby=Taboo / Taboo n A.P.L = males)
I had tree hair at one point. And I am the sole survivor of ANTM. And i am good friends with Kahlen aka Kahlin aka Sonia. Speakin of
tree hair, i watched One
Tree Hill.
Man. All that angst. And we are of the same height. And we both have our own Evan Taubenfeld. =)
This is a raaaather redundant post.
you cant really blame me. it's 3.10 in the morning.
Hello world.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
12:05 AM
Pop Princess
I will just melt if someone sang this to me - Pop Princess by The Click Five
Pop Princess
I lost myself at your show last night
Looking at the sparkling eyesIn the middle of a fresher crowd
You keep living like you're a movie star
But tell me who you really are
When the lights go down
Baby your a glitter doll
On the radioI dissolveIn my stereo
You've got me coming back for more
Pop princess hold my hand
Pop princess I'm a fan
Pop princess I need you now
Freak me out turn me inside out
Pop princess make me smile
Pop princess drive me wild
Pop princess I need you now
So baby turn your love up loud
You were hiding in a darkened stall
Waiting on your curtain
Getting your piece of mind
But I was looking past the glossy stare
I knew who was really thereAnd I'd like to spend some time
Baby your a glitter doll
On the radioI dissolveIn my stereo
You've got me coming back for more
Pop princess hold my hand
Pop princess I'm a fan
Pop princess I need you now
Freak me out turn me inside out
Pop princess make me smile
Pop princess drive me wild
Pop princess I need you now
So baby turn your love up lou
Baby girl I think you're radical
But you're a star and I'm fanatical
Can we start something newJust between me and you
adore it. totally.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
1:02 AM
I had only 4 hours of sleep in total and here i am instead of sleepin. I feel my body getting weaker. regrets stayin online. Some people are just so sweet --
Sadiqin:wat i have shown u is reality....wat u remember...dat is the illusion.... says:
u sound sad or sumthin
run away if i must says:
awwww. tt's so nice of u to ask.
run away if i must says:
yea. i think i am fine. thanks =)
wat i have shown u is reality....wat u remember...dat is the illusion.... says:
sure?Given our state of friendship, it is really really nice of him to ask. i was like awwww-ing. hahhaha. ok next.Vikram:
Psidious(once Infantry, ALWAYS Infantry){NDU}[sleeping] says:
you dont know your worth... you are worth a billion dollars. alot can see you, appreciate you and want to get you, but only some achieve.And tt's nice too given my state of condition.
And there was Brad signing's so hard to catch him on msn.
I just miss everyone.
And Ms Kwa is so nice.
I shant go on.
been having trouble sleepin lately. sigh. what the hell is wrong with me.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
9:30 PM
Power Peas + Sam + Goal!
My msn suck. It's so hard to get onto msn. Boo.
Well, before i start updating my blog, i wanna say a lot a lot of thanks to the people who tag me:
- Flora
Thanks for caring! It means a lot. =)
So yep. Been having lotsa these days.
Tues was Power Peas Day. The tradition has been goin on for a while and I'm actually surprised that it's like on every Tuesday.
Coolness. Loves it.
So Tuesday was Power Peas Day - I think i just repeated myself . Went ...guess where? Okayy...u will never guess it. 5 of us went to Geylang Serai. Dont laugh! It was pretty okay i must say and i got to eat my dendeng. Yum. *grins*
And the very interestin debate abt whether the 10cent chocolate stick u get in canteen vendors. Well, for those...remember those 10cent per stick chocolate stick u get from primary sch drink stall? It also comes in strawberry and pandan flavour. And poor JY didnt get to eat them in pri sch. Hahaz.
So there we were debating abt whether the tub of chocolate sticks are the "original" or the "fake" ones. Cuz there were 3 brands and all of us knew that the fake brand suck.
After a very interesting "argument", we bougt a tub and paid the quite-annoyed-and-pissed auntie.
....ANd.....*crunch*....we got the fake one. Tasted so...biscuit-y. hahaz.
Then it was MacDonald after midnight at Admiralty.
Then it was New York Minute Time at Sonia's Place.
Love the show. Jared Padelecki is hot. Riley Smith is not. Hahaahahha. Mary-Kate rocks.
Then it was the Olsen Twins "marathon". Jy and me gave up halfway. Hahaz.
And the next thing we knew, it was time to go for debates. What in the world. So intimidating. Goodness me. How can we SB survive? Sigh. We can do it!
After which had my ZInger which i had been craving for like 3 weeks. Yum. Loves it.
And watched The 40-Year-Old virgin. Hahaz. Quite gross la. But quite funny. Guess who was curious? *points to Jy hahahhaha. And Aizat came along after tt and we hung out at Starbucks.
ANd these two days, it's sorta freaky. Sonia and I kept saying the same things at the exact time. That's not abnormal but we keeeeeeeeeeeeeep doing it again and again. Now tt's freaky. Psychic we are. Tt's why our score for the magazine-psychic test was 3times the highest score.
So! Today was not too bad. Woke up at two after not sleepin the whole of Tuesday.
Met Sheng at town. (again. went to town for 3 consecutive days!)
And we went Cine to catch a movie. He managed to psycho me into watching Goal! ANd then we head down to Long John for food.
And there i was queueing and complainin in my head why the queue is so bloody slow and i turned to my ride 45degree and boom! Sam! From Set For Glory.
And i quickly turned turned back. And then i gave my head a 30degree turn and shifty eyes.
So i gave my whole body an 80degree turn and say "Hey. ARe u Sam from Set For Glory?" *nods head*
And i glanced down. "Hi. I sent u a message through Friendster..." and i trailed off not knowin wad to say. And he raised his hand and gave a slight wave and said "hi" and back i was in the queue.
It was like so...lmao. I bet he thinks i am some psycho girl. Wuahuhauahuha.
Watched Goal! In the end, i ended up liking the movie and Sheng was like boo. Hahaz. Very inspiring. And i just love the name Santiago. Any Santiagos out there? Hi. This Sharina. wuhauhauhuaua.
Monday, October 10, 2005
2:25 AM
the "7" things
I am so so touched tt i was mentioned in Sabby's blog. so i shall do the honour. wuahuahua.
7 things that scare me:1) losing my mum.
2) death of a loved one.
3) losing my friends.
4) the supernatural.
5) rapists, molesters, crime-doers.
6) all the frigging undesirable creatures like lizards and cockroaches
7) no electricity and water.
7 things that i love the most:1) my mum
2) my friends
3) my television
4) my computer
5) my posters
6) my CD collection
7) my mp3 player
7 important things in my room:1) my computer
2) my pillow
3) my wardrobe
4) speakers
5) the door
6) the floor
7) the scenery outside my window
(i think tt counts eh?)7 random facts about me:
1) I am a/an singer / performer / model. *wink wink*
2) I was known as "sha" but i changed it to "shar" when i get into poly.
Reasons unknown.3) I think I am commitment-phobic.
4) I ignore phone calls sometimes.
5) I pretend tt i am holding a concert of my own and starts dancing in my room.
6) I run around the house in my undergarments if i am running late.
7) I dont dream when i sleep. either tt or they get totally wiped out when i am awake.
7 things i plan to do before i die:
1) do a collaboration with Britney Spears
(yeah right - Ed)2) have kids: 1 son and 2 girls
3) be an MTV Vj
4) be a bridesmaid
5) Pilgrimage
6) Have a movie marathons of favourite movies with girlfriends
7) Go to Venice.
7 things i can do:
1) talk on the phone for hours
2) be crazy
3) dance onstage with adrenaline pumping
4) sing and rap to My Humps
5) cartwheels
6) Eat 2 MacDonald's Extra Value Meal
7) keep quiet
7 things i can't do YET:1) travel alone
2) lie to the lie detector without getting caught
3) play mahjong
4) A Maths
5) play the guitar
6) have my own apartment
7) Malay dance
7 words i say the most:
1) LMAO.
2) Say What?
3) What seh...
4) Coolness.
5) Madness.
6) That's so cuteeeeeee.
7) Like truely
7 celeb crushes:
1) Stacy Ferguson
2) Britney Spears
3) Avril Lavigne
4) Rob Thomas
5) Mandy Moore
6) Justin Timberlake
7) Jessica Alba
8) Sam (wuauhauuuaa)7 peeps that i love to see doing this:1) whoever
2) is
3) really
4) bored
5) can
6) do
7) this
Thursday, October 06, 2005
11:20 PM
Let's talk abt the holidays.
Holidays have been like...holidays. As in like what holidays are in the dictionary. Bliss. Different from other holidays.
As BEP would put it:
Let's Celebrate. It's a holiday.
This holidays have been good. Packed with things to do and i foresee to do some other things (which i hope i can get them done).
And after tml, the first week of hols is gone. *snap fingers* just like tt. That fast.
So let's take a look back:
Friday Night (right after MMR paper) -went to Third Place for some gig thingy to watch Set For Glory and Dong's band. Coolness. It was loud yes and it was just so and so. At least i saw Sam. And i think he is cute. And Nico? Boo ya.
After the whole gig ended, Sonia and i made our way to Lau Pa Sat to meet Aizat, Jiayin and Sabby.
After which we decided not to go home and all the girls had a sleepover at Sonia's. And we reached her hse like at 2. And i saw Sonia's dad.
Hotness. wuahuahuaa. Kidding.
Cant rmb wad i did on Saturday.
Sunday -Siti's party. Went town to get Siti's present and saw a somewhat Munarjee: A guy who became a girl. And i think he/she is pretty. wuhauaua. U can find him/her at Wisma's Watson.
Monday - kBoxing dude! Fun fun fun. There's nothing i like more than to jump around on couches, sofas and beds. like Coolness la. Jy, Sonia and me were the last to leave and we left at a freaking 930. Thanked Ken!
Tuesday - Power Peas Day!! wheeee. Hung out with Sonia, Sabby, Aizat and the fashionable late Siti. And the girls formed a new group. The 4 As"s"es. Cuz all our names start with "S"! Coolness.
Watched Red Shoes. With Son and Siti. It was...hmm...a good scare. And i got rather terrified on the way home.
And after Red Shoes....we saw Eye For a Guy finalists! Madness. Howard, Jeff and Shan.
And did i just say
"hi Shan" to Shan as if he was my casual friend? I surprise myself at times.
Well. At least we know Howard likes me, Jeff likes Sonia and Shan likes Siti. That was our rationale back then.
And Howard...awww...he is such a cutie. *grins from ear to ear*
Wednesday - Hung out at Flo's! Coolness. Watched some Mary-Kate and Ashley movie and then we played some boardgame called whatever Risk or something. Fun Fun Fun. And Jy kept eating. wuahuaauha. wish i wasnt fasting. but it's all good.
And Flora's mum was like damn friendly. Cant really say the same abt Flo's aunt. When she saw me, she was like "Are u someone's mum?" and i was like totally
HUH. like truly! And then she asked me whether i am a Philipino. And i was like
HUH again. What in the world seh. LMAo la. wuhauhuaahuha.
Thursday - slept till so late and was on the com for like so long reading news abt Hurricane Tammy. And finished off my Friendster acct.
and i shall watch something now. ciao. have a good holiday. and to all Muslims, Happy Fasting.
Natural Disasters
It is so scary to see things happen at once.
Or should i say so many things happening at once.
All the tornadoes, the hurricanes.
The bombings.
Sometimes, i am greatful that i am like in Singapore. But that doesnt necessarily mean i am safe.
I just read some msnbc news and there is this 19th hurricane called Tammy and it is in Florida Coast.
And just 45 min ago, Tammy skirts Florida.
Oh No.
I really hope Kelly is fine. Just last year, there was a tornado and she had to hid in the basement and she showed me pictures of all things destroyed.
It's really heartbreaking. It's really scary.
And shit. I lost the link to her updates. Ugh. I hate myself. I cant even keep up on the news of my frens.
And another thing....the arctic ice is melting and temperatures are rising.
Like...wad in the world la...
The world is like coming to an end. What was written in the books are so true. God has predicted all this.
It's sad to see the unseeable.
And i hate it.
Still, it is the forces of nature and there is nothing we can do and there is noone to blame.
All we can do is pray.
I really hope Kelly is doing fine.
Monday, October 03, 2005
1:10 PM
America's Next Top Model
Due to large request...i shall put up all the finalist for MMR / America's Next Top Model (kana sai)
So here are their close-ups...
Here are your very very gorgeous nominees:

Christina - The very pretty pretty ice princess. and noo...don't mix up with Christina Aguilera. I say AMERICA's NEXT TOP MODEL la deh...
Wannabe: May. - They are both tall and have very thin lips.

Jay Manuel - Tyra's sidekick.
Wannabe: Jason. - Same hair. But not as hot. duh.

Janice Dickinson - The very very vicious...erm...*does boobie wave*
Wannabe: Jiahui. - Oh ...u know why. (stares)

Brittany - The "porn star"
Wannabe: Sarah Tan. - look at the face. Dont they look alike? FOP. Full of Porn. Gee Sarah. "ahhh ahhh..."

Nole Marin - The i-dunno-what-to-describe-him. I think he looks like his dog.
Wannabe: Aizat. - The very sarcastic boy.

Keenyah - Walking Elephant + Gluttony
Wannabe: Jiaying - Oh u know why...*chomp chomp chomp* dont angry ah...wuhauahuaua. You shall be the sexy elephant.

Naima - love the hair. Exotic. And that voice.
Wannabe: Sharina. (not really a wannabe. already am) - Oh....don't they just resemble one another? They look so alike! Goodness. Maybe they are like separated at birth.

Kahlen - The very very sweet and decent girl. Cuteness.
Wannabe: Sonia. - She's not even close but whatever. wuahuahua. Ok i shall be nice...hmmm...just nice people. wuhauauhau. Kahlen = My sugar. *grins*
Tyra - THE Supermodel
Wannabe: Sabarina. - not supermodel la but close enough. Both divas =)
And this the one tt recently got out. (sarah's idea)
Michelle. - The masculine feline.
Wannabe: Guess who....give up? Manhunt. *wink wink*
Doncha all love this post? Gee. Wanna say hi to my lovely classmates. Have good Hols. Be good!