Monday, February 28, 2005
10:58 PM
Got off school at 5pm. Headed off to JP to have dinner with my dad. Before I start blogging, I wanna say Happy Birthday to Aizat again. (this is the 3rd time. Hahaz)
Well, I had to wait till 7.30 and to add to the waste of time, my dad was 15min late! Bleahz. Well, muz understand.
Meanwhile, went to the library to read some storybook shit and walked around a lil and bought myself a black skirt. new collection to my wardrobe.
We decided to have dinner at Swensen’s and while waiting for the seating, my dad said, “Sha. Why u so skinny? U nv eat in sch huh?”
I was rather amused by tt remark so I said, “Nooooo. Where got? Fat ah.”
And then a moment after which…guess what my dad said?!?
My dad said the least expected thing, “You’re skinny but your boobs are rather big. Like your mummy.” AhHHhhhhh!!!!!!
I think my face turned really red cuz I felt ear burning like hell. What in the world! %$?##*&<@!
Not knowing wad to respond, I juz passed off an “aiya.”
And my dad had to reply saying something like I dun really have to be embarrass cuz afterall, he is my dad.
Ok, enough.
Let’s talk abt food. I had Black Pepper Seafood Pasta whereas my dad ordered a Silion Steak (medium).
While eating, my dad was complainin on how awful the steak was, how chewy it was and how bad it was.
On our way out, my dad had to, HAD TO, complain to 2 of the waiters on how bad the steak was. Being the old me, I was rather embarrassed so I walked straight out. Ugh. But come to think of it, he did have the right. And I had to agree…the steak was real bad.
I mentioned that Avril Lavigne is holding a concert in Singapore and my dad asked how much the ticket will cost. $75 - $125. My dad said he will give me a hundred.
And guess what? I had to say, “Oh nvm. $50 will be enough.”
And once that got out of my mouth, my brain was screamin out, “What in the world were u thinking??!” It’s not everyday tt my dad is generous and it’s not me to be so OVER-generous. UGH. Another @?$%&*>%&!!
I think – and have concluded - it is because of this ginormous pride I have whereby I dun really fancy asking help from ppl. And tt is why when I find tt my parents dun really give me enuf for school expenditure, I juz go ahead and use my own money, my own credit. Oh well. Anyways, I dun really wanna seem like always asking for money. It is bad.
Well, I dun like what happened after that. My dad dropped a $50 note. A bloody assy shitting $50 NOTE! Do u know what u can buy with 50 bucks?! God, my dad is so careless. He is always losing money cuz he doesn’t want to put his notes in his damn wallet but juz stuff it in his pocket. UGH!!! Another – dun mind me - @#?%^&*$*>?
I think I should end off with something nice with no @#$$%^&*?>%. Gee.
Oh ya…my dad told me he was wearing the shirt tt I bought for him, which I really really cannot rmb. Well, at least he remembered. tt counts.
So finally I have come to an end, to my last sentence…oh no! Econs Tutorial. Oh well. I dun even know how to do anyways. Never mind abt tt. I shall watch Academy Awards, shall I? Maybe I can find tips on how to win an award academically. OK, tt was lame.
And there u have it - My last sentence. Wait, actually this is my last sentence. That was second last sentence. Errr…no, no. tt was the third last sentence cuz this is my last sentence. UGH! STOP IT SHARINA! <--- last sentence.
p.s. Actually, the “<--last sentence” was not my last sentence, yes. No pun intended. Cuz the “No pun intended” is my last sentence. No, hold it. This IS my last sentence. Oh hell. You know what; I give up.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
4:58 PM
I am suppose to be doing my Econs tutorial…well, not yet as do it cuz I gotta read through the notes first.
Well, that was the plan. Too bad, cuz I was rudely interrupted by hyena’s laughing. I think my neighbour next door muz be having some celebration or something. It’s really noisy and I can’t even concentrate. Juz great.
There they go again! As May would put it: FUNNY IZZIT! There’s this woman who laughs oh-so-terribly..OMG. she laughs as if she has nv laughed before. Horrendous.
Come to think of it’s only fair. I tend to blast my stereo system at night…sort of disrupting their peace. Oh well.
But at least I let them hear free music pieces. By well-known and contemporary artistes. And what do they lemme hear? Hyena’s laughing. Aha.
Yesterday was an eventful day. Not good though. Full of accidents.
One of which I can rmb is tt somebody tripped me. He was like rushin into the bank and made me trip. Being the mean old me, I gave him the evil eye. He raised his hand as a way to say sorry but I carried on giving him the cold stare. He deserved it. Hah.
But the worst was when I almost got knocked down. It was like 9+pm. Rather dark I suppose. Well, I was crossing the road and there’s this lorry driver was driving towards me in between lanes. He can’t even keep to either lane one or two. Of course I was wondering whether to carry on walking or stay put in the middle of the road.
What if I am to carry on walking and he decides to cut into the lane 2? The thing is he was not looking ahead. His head was turned around and he was driving as if he’s got eyes on the back of his head. Bloody asshole. Motherfucker. How I wish I had pointed my middle finger at his bloody fuckin face. Krepot!
It’s my life we r talking about. Talking about life, I have never been checked into a hospital before. Healthy me. And come to think of it again, I only stepped into a hospital like once or twice in my life. I rmb once where I had to visit my dad in the hospital cuz he had some spinal probs.
It sounds as if I am feeling rather angry due to the vulgarity I used in the previous para. But I am perfectly fine. Guess wad I had for lunch? Mac’s Happy Meal! (so my anger is crossed out due to me eating a Happy Meal. Sounds logical to me.)
Whee….as far as I can rmb, the last time I bought Happy Meal was when I was like ten? Whoa…it’s been tt long. No wonder one of the cashiers at the counter looked at me as if I am crazy…as if I’m a ten-year-old in a teenager's body.
I wouldn’t have bought tt if not for the toy. Fine…is this where u roll ur eyes? Can’t blame me…I juz adore Kim Possible. She’s my hero….err…heroine.
And it’s raining now…nice. See? Kim Possible saves the weather.
Friday, February 25, 2005
10:47 PM
on friday
Oh wala wala (wala wala) Ooh Ooh Ooh.
Hahaz...was supposed to go out tonight but decided against it. As i have mentioned earlier, I feel oh-so-lazy. The lazy bug in me...this is the worse. Never felt this way before.
Perhaps, lack of green food.
And to make up for the time spent going out, i watched Breakfast At Tiffany's. It's ok...a very strong theme to it...but somehow I didn't enjoy it...However, Audrey Hepburn was mesmerizing enough.
Oh, I managed to get home on time to watch Lizzie Mcguire on tv juz now. It was a good epi. Glad i didnt miss it.
Lemme re-tell the story:
I am juz tired. My eyes are closing. I've got plenty of sleep these few days though. And i mean plenty yes. 7 hours to say the least...sometimes even up to 9hours of slp.
I bet it's the green food.I've watched quite a no. of Avril's videos and live performances lately...well, she keeps wearing the same thing. I mean like, really. At least she knows herself.Oh, it's gonna be Flora's b-dae tml...hopefully, she likes the presents. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Have fun yea!I think I shall log off now. Starting to feel cranky again...and i am pissing whoever i am talking to right now on msn. Cranky Wanky going for a wink wank.Oh...I juz dunno wad the hell i am saying.-out-
Thursday, February 24, 2005
10:37 PM
this week
I’ve been feeling rather restless this whole week. I feel as if I am so not me. It’s as if fatigue took over my body, penetrating my body as if washing through it like a wave.
Can’t stand it. But what to do…feeling oh-so-lethargic.
Well, quite a no. of things have been happenin this week. What, I can’t really rmb. God! Not only am I restless, I am feeling brainless as well. Too tired I guess. By what, I have no idea.
As far as I can recall, my class found somebody’s blog which disses ppl and speaks her mind, there’s another pair of “lovebirds” in class and trying to discover a nice present for a particular someone. *Hint hint*. Hahaz.
And tt’s wad we did to day. Half the class went town to hunt down for presents. But all of us separate into 3 grps. So I joined Sarah and Jawei. Wheee….we talked and talked and gossiped and talked some more all the way…hahaz. I realized tt Jawei can make funny faces…so cute.
After walking for miles and miles, we finally decided to get something at somewhere. Hahaz. Tt sounds so descriptive. And after tt, we decided to grab a bite at Taco Bell. Chomp Chomp Chomp.
Speaking of Taco Bell…today is the third in the week I am dining at a fast food restaurant. Can u imagine tt? No, I can’t imagine tt. Record breaker. Sharina, u gotta stop. Fast Food aint good for health. Oh whatever. To hell with health. I am juz so tired.
Since I am bloggin, I might as well share what’s on my thoughts. I personally think it is ridiculous for the govt to increase the price of cigarettes. Really. What’s the point? They are juz gonna make smokers poorer. They’ve raised the price like so many times and yet, it still doesn’t make a diff.
Increase price of cigarette is NOT EQUAL to lower no. of smokers. It’s an inverse relationship!!
No point trying to kill my brain cells at this point of time. Will be back when I aint cranky and when I am my old energetic self.
Monday, February 21, 2005
2:42 PM
List of Hottest Celebrity
tried entertain myself so i collected my so-called list of hottest celebrity.Here is the people who made into my list. :)MEN WHO GOT IT ALL1. Justin Timberlake (like DUH!)2. Nick Carter3. Ashton Kutcher4. Josh Duhamel5. Ashton Kutcher6. Tom Welling 7. Benjamin McKenzie8. Josh Lucas (his voice is so sexy!)9. Jonathan Schneider10. MLTR frontman11. Elijah Wood12. Lead Singer of Travis13. George Clooney14. Adam Brody15. Ben StillerWOMEN WITH THE WHOLE PACKAGE1. Britney Spears (like DUH!)2. Anna Faris3. Avril Lavigne4. Mischa Barton5. Mandy Moore6. Lorelai of Gilmore Girls7. Fergie of Black Eyed Peas8. Kristin Kreuk9. Gisele Bundchen10. Jennifer Garner11. Keira Knightley12. Sandra Bullock13. Paris Hilton14. Meg Ryan15. Delta Goodrem










Friday, February 18, 2005
10:34 PM
a shout out
I wanna give a shout out to Andrew who helped me tremendously with my WP project. And he taught me a stuff or two. Really helpful of him. THanks tWinEE!And to Sarah as well, who tried to help me out with the FIreworks DropDown buttion thingy. Still, thanks sister!And to May, who asked me whether i need any help. I appreciate it. Thanks for asking.And of course, to Ms Kwa cuz i did pretty much of consultation. Thanks Ms Kwa.And of course, to my mom and dad. I love you guys. My frens as well, who supported me throughout this whole journey. I would like to thank Zomba Record / Arista Record who gave me the opportunity to cut my own album. Uh...of couse, my manager and the people behind-the-scene. I'm sorry if i didnt mention ur name. It is juz too overwhelming to win my first Grammy. And not to forget, to all my fans out there. Thank you for everything. You made my dream come true. This (holds out trophy) is dedicated to all of u. THANK YOU. LMAOI have to say this week has been rather hectic. Life pretty much evolved around the pressure to complete the WP project. Rushing and panicking and yadayadayada.Can't really rmb wad has been going on.Though i muz say the Talentime was not bad at all. Of course, Sabby and her fren (i cant rmb his name for some reason) grabbed the first prize. *clap clap* And the band which consist of some 01 members was really good. I still rmb it goes something like this: Because Uncertainty, lives in me, I dunno wad to say.- or something like tt. But it was damn good. Good job u guys!Hmmm...wad else is there to say?Nothing.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
10:30 PM
My dad approached me juz now and we talked abt the same topic for the sixth time or so...or at least, he was doing the talking.
He started off by asking me how was sch and stuff (his usual tactic. how creative. hahaz) and then he went off "Concentrate on your studies ok. Study hard. All this boyfren thing is not important." sounds nicer...rather than him always sayin "Don't let daddy catch you have a boyfren ok."
And on and on...for ten min...hahaz.
And of course I have the never-endin work to do. And my mum has to turn on the Sentimental Hits 3 Cd i bought for her. So loud...but old songs can be rather nice.
People's birthdays are coming up...towards the end of Feb. I have to think of what to buy for them. Presents. Such a drag. Cuz half of the time...i dunno wad to buy. AHHHHHHHHH.
I know i wanted to say something but i forgot all abt it. Haiya!Oh, i rmb! hmm..there was the class photo-taking session. it was damn fast! grrr. and then i cant rmb wad else. i think i better stop typing
My dad approached me juz now and we talked abt the same topic for the sixth time or so...or at least, he was doing the talking.
He started off by asking me how was sch and stuff (his usual tactic. how creative. hahaz) and then he went off "Concentrate on your studies ok. Study hard. All this boyfren thing is not important." sounds nicer...rather than him always sayin "Don't let daddy catch you have a boyfren ok."
And on and on...for ten min...hahaz.
And of course I have the never-endin work to do. And my mum has to turn on the Sentimental Hits 3 Cd i bought for her. So loud...but old songs can be rather nice.
People's birthdays are coming up...towards the end of Feb. I have to think of what to buy for them. Presents. Such a drag. Cuz half of the time...i dunno wad to buy. AHHHHHHHHH.
I know i wanted to say something but i forgot all abt it. Haiya!
Sunday, February 13, 2005
5:05 PM
Sunday, the day
it's 5 pm. I tried for the last 40 min, i really tried. But i juz dunno how to do. Oh yes, I am talking abt Web Publishing. I wonder if my classmates have already done theirs.
I am so left behind. I tried to use help but i can't? well...i juz dun understand the Dreamweaver lingo. Whatever lahz...i will see wad i can do when school reopens. I mean like seriously. I need help with this thing. And i would be glad if i juz pass it. 15% which in other words is 15 marks. I think i can make do with a 7marks.
Watch "When You're Sleeping"...again! hahaz. It was nice. It's one of those feel-good movies. And later, there's like Shallow Hal, which i have watched before but no harm watchin it again yea. And after that, there's The Apprentice. A must-watch. For me anyways.
So it's gonna be a TV night. Juz great. My favourite Sunday.
uh-oh. Newswriting to do. And IVP. And Econs. Dun talk to me abt WP.
My head is oh-so-spinning.
Better get moving.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
9:35 PM
Why do you always do this to me?
Why couldn't you just see through me?
How come you act like this like you just don't care at all
Do you expect me to believe I was the only one to fall?
I could feel I could feel you near me, even though you're far away
It's not supposed to feel this wayI need you
More and more each day
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Hey, listen to what we're not saying
Let's play, a different game than what we're playing
Try, to look at me and really see my heart
Thursday, February 10, 2005
9:58 PM
So let me continue abt yesterdays event...
Hmm...i had like a total of 10 red packets and guess the total amt i collected?
$35!!! YESH!! least it's better than 2003's. Tt year, i received like $32...a lil improvement. hahaz.
Anyways, the money is not tt impt lahz. I know i have lotsa things to say but somehow it's all like forgotten. aiya.
I have yet to start on my homework. i am surprising myself. Never like to do last minute stuff but i dun even know where to begin. Die seh.
I am dead. Bye.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
7:38 PM
Am back from the visiting. As per usual, the Chinese New Year so called celebration was held at my paternal grandparents’.
Now let me tell u what happened chronologically to my heart's content:
(Oh, and before i start, i have to inform those who are reading that i am not being narcissistic. i am not full of myself. juz being the straight-forward me. gee)
I got ready and wore my new clothes that I bought yesterday and I thought I was like a walking brown woman. Here is why –
- I bought a 100% lycra skirt ($38)
- a brown rather translucent long sleeve blouse ($23)
- brown sunglasses ($16.90)
- brown sandals ($15.90)
- my newly self-dyed copper brown hair ($11.90)
In total, I spent like $105.70 juz for today. But it’s ok…it’s a matter of looking good since I have not seen them for like 2 yrs.
Since my dad went out first to start the car and stuff, I got ready all around the house – running around in my undergarment and asking my mum do I look good and stuff. And she juz smiled and said how contented she is to have me as a daughter and she said I look super-duper good. Oh, she also advised me (but more like threatening seh) NOT to tie my hair up…hahaz.
And there I was in front of my mirror touching up on my clothes and stuff with my mum staring intently at me.
I took a last glance at the mirror and seriously speaking, I mean seriously, I looked like I juz stepped out of a fashion magazine. Fine, call me egoistic but I wun say it unless it is true. Gee. But SERIOUSLY.
My dad waited for me along the main road and he was like “Whoa…I can’t even recognize you. My daughter is so pretty. They wun believe you are my daughter.”
I know this make me sound as if I have a huge ego but tt was wad came out of my dad’s mouth.
And then my dad went on and on abt how I look like his younger sister when she was young. And I have no idea which sister of his he is referring to. I mean theres like 9pairs of aunts and uncles and dozens of cousins.
Once we reached, I shook my ye-ye’s (is tt how u spell it? Anyways it means my grandfather) hand and wished him “Happy New Year”. And I shook all the Tom, Dick and Harry. Sounds rude but theres too many to list down.
Well, you should have seen the faces of my aunts and uncles and cousins. It was damn funny. They were like shocked when they see me. Perhaps its the two years. But I think it is more of their perception that I can never look good.
So there they were giving comments like “whoa…youre so big oredi”, “whoa…you’ve grown so pretty” and the list goes on. ( i have to say i am NOT being narcissistic. :] )
Surprisingly enough, my mama (grandmother) began conversing with me in Mandarin. She never say more than two sentences to me in my whole life for every CNY (not that I mind. I aint close to them) but this time, she talked incessantly to me. Not that I mind but I dun understand 70% of what she was saying.
I could only catch a few Mandarin words here and there and I formed closure and guessed what she was talking abt. And as usual, I was like on the right track. Maybe she misses me not seeing me for such a long time.
At least I was polite and nodded and replied (in Mandarin) using my oh-so-limited vocab.
And then theres this cousin of mine (I really cant grab her name. I did ask my dad when we left the house but I cant rmb it anymore) who exclaimed she saw me in the Cohesion Mag. Wuahuahua. She was like, “I noticed first. I was thinking whether it was my secondary school fren or something. So familiar. Then I realized it was my cousin!”
She sounds neutral. I think she never did like me. Dunno why. Maybe she juz sounds like tt. But I have this feeling that she doesn’t like me. Whatever lahz.
But I would have to say she was like the prettiest among all my cousins.
The second in ranking will be the Avril Lavigne look-alike. Seriously. Same size, height, hair, colour (both skin and hair) and yada yada yada. Looks like a typical ah-lian but she’s pretty alright. Her twin – also my cousin – was like an ah-beng. But good-looking I muz say.
Well, I was like the youngest among all of them. They are all 20+. Im the only one in my teens. But they look juz as young. And nice. And good-looking.
I think I better stop here. (778 words and still counting) its getting longer. Will cont tml or something.
GONG XI FA CAI everybody. And Happy Hols.
Monday, February 07, 2005
8:28 PM
back to blogging
Been five days since I last blogged I guess. Tts like almost a week. Wow.
Well…havent been pretty much like myself these days. Its has been a mayhem.
Life for me right now is like a Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Hopes.
Why I am feeling like tt….I juz cant put them in words. Cuz obviously
That shall be my new motto. Sounds good to me.
The future was planned. It was oh-so-planned. I cant really type it all down but i will juz give a brief summary: I looked forward to being a woman with responsibilities and looked forward to all the joy once the knot is tied.
Perhaps you don’t exactly know what I am talking abt but I DO know what I am talking abt.
Theres nothing to look forward to now. Not much anyways. All my dreams are crushed. Maybe I dreamed too much…dreaming of the perfect wonderful things that could happen. Which of course will not happen.
Its a matter of self-deception. And its time I open my eyes…open them wide enough and not be so naïve, not be so gullible, not be so vulnerable.
Its weird when I come to think abt it. Everyones perception of me is that I am this strong person inside and out.
Well…strong on the outside maybe, but inside? Dun even get me started.
I think I better stop meandering abt myself.
Chinese New Year is coming…it’s coming!! Juz round the corner. For some reason, I’m actually excited. I never have been – except for the fact that I can collect those red packets. Oh, and eating Love Letters. Love’em.
Anyways, yeah…weird. Excited? Maybe because I wonder how it is gonna be like seeing my paternal relatives after two years. (I didn’t follow my dad to visit them last Chinese New Year and Christmas)
Ive grown so much – intellectually, spiritually and of course physically. I wonder…I wonder how they will react. I think I better start memorizing my uncles and aunties and cousins’ names. Tts gonna be a drag.
Well…watch this space and Ill quote their comments. I will be looking forward to what’s going to happen at my grandparents' hse..not so much of the ang pows. Maybe, money is not an issue for me at the moment. Hahaz.
So, may I take this opportunity to wish all Chinese HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Happy Hols ppl.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
11:14 PM
I think I am better off if i shut up.
I think I am better off if i juz dont care too much.
I think I am better off if i dont think too much.
I think I am better off if i stop breathing.
Things I juz Found Out
Here's what I learn today - and it has nothing to do with schoolwork.
So here's the list - chronologically.
1. Mr Andrew Ang loves Milo.
2. Ryan can be a pilot.
3. Meihui and Jesslin do go online.
4. Ms Nga is 50.
5. Ms Kwa is in her thirties.
6. We have learnt Fireworks. (I juz realized it)
5. Sonia is addicted to the song "Get Over It" by Avril Lavigne.
6. I got home too late to watch "My Parents are from Outer Space" or something like tt which was premiered on Kids Central juz now at 5. (hmmph)
Saw Sonia's blog and I decided to take the Soul Test.
Here's the
You Are a Bright Star Soul
Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention. In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you. You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial. And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you achieve. You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy. You possess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define. A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles. Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
9:44 PM
I dun really have anything much to update on.
I think i am a selfish brat. Seriously. Having to have everything to myself has influenced me in such a great way.
I mean from young, I dun have to share items...all the toys are mine, I dun have to have second-hand items, i have the computer all to myself and i've been having my own bedroom since like forever. Wrong...two bedrooms.
When I was living at Pandan Valley, I had my very own bedroom and the third level was mine for me to play basketball and dance arnd and do monkey stuff.
Now that I am living in a flat and it's such a drastic change, the selfishness is still instilled in me. I mean even though I dun have the lounge as it is, I have two bedrooms. One for sleeping and one tt is being called the curriculum room where my com is and where i have the space to do my activities.
And sometimes, I think of how lucky I am being the only child and not having to share anything at all. Imagine having nasty siblings. Goodness, I wont be able to stand it. And I bet I will be shouting the whole time at home asking them to pick up their clothes and clean up the mess and reprimanding them on why they touch my stuff and things like tt.
Cuz tt's the way I act when my younger cousins come over to my house. I dun like it if people touch and use my things without permission. So hate it.
But of course, being the nice Sharina, I will juz say things indirectly. And the mess they create.
Petty aint it? Or perhaps juz plain selfish? Maybe.
Ok..directing tml. Better do something abt my script. Oh no...gotta go. Have to practice singing, dancing and singing again.